Computer Club Minutes 10/9/2013 2013/14 Meeting No. 1 Attendance: 4 - Susan Cunnington (Sponsor) - Jesse Downing (President) - Paul Pitts (Secretary) - Quadiare Archy President Jesse Downing called the meeting to order on October 9th, 2013 at 9:40 AM. + Discussed club officers - Susan Cunnington was introduced as sponsor - Paul Pitts was officially named secretary - Brandon Brown was introduced as vice president - Maliki Goodman's role as treasurer was not discussed and is undecided + Questions - Paul Pitts asked about our plans for the year - He also asked about club finances + Discussed plans for the year - Talked about introducing programming and web development - Discussed the possibility of future fundraisers + Discussed Programming languages and HTML - Discussed the kind of programming that may be done in Computer Club - Discussed the difference between a markup language and a programming language. + Discussed data storage - Talked about how data is stored on optical discs - Lightly talked about binary President Jesse Downing officially adjourned the meeting on October 9th, 2013 at 10:06 AM.